hello sir,
could u plz send me a sample placement paper for hpcl
trainee engg exam..(electronics stream)...hoping to hear
from u at the earliest.
Thanking you.
What is the written test pattern of hyundai company
Iwant the old question paper for J.E(Tele.Signal).
How to design binary to gray code converter?
what is difference between digital and discrete signals?
Explain the main advantages of synchronous circuit?
What is the difference between synthesised frequency hopping and base band frequency hopping?
Explain what are semiconductor devices?
How can I make calculation to Install level transmitter (DP) for open tank and close tank
why the microcontroller so called 8051?/ and why the IC starts with 74?
What are the advantages of freewheeling diode in rectifier circuit?
what does high Q(quality factor) value represent?
i am electronics & telecomm engg & appling 4 the AAI jr executive (electronics/ATC) written test. pls forward me the syllabus & old question papers.I will be very much thankful to you. NAZEEHA E.MAIL ID:- km.nazi.km@gmail.com
0 Answers AAI Airports Authority Of India,