What is an idea current source?
why should i hire u?
what is d difference between digital image processing & digital signal processing?
Define offset voltage as applied to an op-amp.
What is meant by unidirectional or half-wave ac voltage controller?
im an electronics and communication engineering..i have to attend an interview based on contract basis.i kindly request u to send all possible questions to my mail. MY EMAIL ID IS -ashishkashyap931@gmail.com
Explain why cannot we use leds for rectification purpose?
who are the good electronic and communication engineer and what they should know
I have an instrument that involves an electronic circuit. In circuit there is a PTC B754 (having operating voltage 230V). PTC is already damaged and same PTC is not available in market. Now what can i do to solve that problem.
design a or gate using transister
What is the relation between current and voltage?
What is the purpose of the package around a microprocessor silicon die?