How to test the below code and write test case?
Prove that this code is wrong?
int add(int a ,int b)
{return a+b;
Difference between Severity & Priority?
what is the diff b/w bug and defect?
tell me about high severity & high priority bug?
have u involved in reviws ? wt type reviews u done?
can any one tell me wat is dependent and independent scripting?
what is the difference between Performance,Load ,Stress testing
what are the different banking terms used in your project?like new acc,dormate,active accounts....
What are the benefits of requirement traceability?
What is application programming interface (api)?
What is acid testing
How would you determine the performance of a web application by looking at the values of ?Response Time? and ?Pages Per Second??
Can any one explain the all types of testing in detail with aim of the testing,purpose,Person Doing,entry criteria,exit criteria,Documents required.....its very helpful for me..if possible send it to my mail id