Explain about Founctionality Testing in webbased

Explain about Founctionality Testing in webbased application?..

Answer / ramyab.mca@gmail.com


Test for – all the links in web pages, database connection,
forms used in the web pages for submitting or getting
information from user, Cookie testing.

Check all the links:

Test the outgoing links from all the pages from specific
domain under test.
Test all internal links.
Test links jumping on the same pages.
Test links used to send the email to admin or other users
from web pages.
Test to check if there are any orphan pages.
Lastly in link checking, check for broken links in all
above-mentioned links.
Test forms in all pages:
Forms are the integral part of any web site. Forms are used
to get information from users and to keep interaction with
them. So what should be checked on these forms?

First check all the validations on each field.
Check for the default values of fields.
Wrong inputs to the fields in the forms.
Options to create forms if any, form delete, view or modify
the forms.
Let’s take example of the search engine project currently I
am working on, In this project we have advertiser and
affiliate signup steps. Each sign up step is different but
dependent on other steps. So sign up flow should get
executed correctly. There are different field validations
like email Ids, User financial info validations. All these
validations should get checked in manual or automated web

Cookies testing:
Cookies are small files stored on user machine. These are
basically used to maintain the session mainly login
sessions. Test the application by enabling or disabling the
cookies in your browser options. Test if the cookies are
encrypted before writing to user machine. If you are
testing the session cookies (i.e. cookies expire after the
sessions ends) check for login sessions and user stats
after session end. Check effect on application security by
deleting the cookies. (I will soon write separate article
on cookie testing)

Validate your HTML/CSS:
If you are optimizing your site for Search engines then
HTML/CSS validation is very important. Mainly validate the
site for HTML syntax errors. Check if site is crawlable to
different search engines.

Database testing:
Data consistency is very important in web application.
Check for data integrity and errors while you edit, delete,
modify the forms or do any DB related functionality.
Check if all the database queries are executing correctly,
data is retrieved correctly and also updated correctly.
More on database testing could be load on DB, we will
address this in web load or performance testing below.

Thanks & Regards

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