Which three are typical operational phases in a basic
connection oriented network service?
A. call setup
B. data transfer
C. load balancing
D. call termination
E. caller ID
F. call prionflication
G. data segmentation
H. data and momma
I. data link identification
J. callering book
thnx jitender...its me shridh...m working for SG ltd..the situation iz like ths -at a specific time in our company the internet connectivity goes off...v hav two networks in our company...but out of it only one link goes down for 5-10 sec...a fastethernet port becomes down for few sec and automatically becomes Up... Is this occures becoz of Power?? If yes thn y the 2nd network is not affected?? plz tel me jitender how to resolve ths problem? as u sd loop in switch is the primary cause of ths....i wanna know how to resolve it...thnx for ur replys jitender sinha.
Which reserve port number talent use?
Novell IPX network addresses have two conferrable parts. The network administrator specifies the IPX network number. How is the node number determined? A. It is the serial number of the given device B. It is assigned as a lease by Novell DHCP C. It is also set by the network administrator D. It is usually the MAC address of one Interface E. It is downloaded by Netware Core Protocol (NCP)
How are internetworks created?
In regards to the ISDN BRI standard, which channel is used for control? A.) B B.) D C.) E D.) I E.) Q
How many ways to access router?
What is LSA? How many types of LSA used by OSPF version 2??
Who controls mac address uniqueness and how?
What type of frame does CDP use to gather information about it's neighbors? A.) TCP/IP B.) Novell-ether C.) Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP) D.) Ethernet_II
Frame relay technology works on which layer of osi model?
Identify the 3 Internet layer IP protocols? A.) NetBios B.) IPX C.) ARP D.) IP E.) RARP
what is difference between designated router and backup designated router and explain feature of both router.