what is a tetrode transisitor ? show the structure of such
a device and indicate the polarity of the biasing voltage
applied to each element?
what is ISDN 1:2or 1:8 ? what is bandwidth allocation? how to the design small network with 4 router?
draw the circuit diagram of a transistor frequency convertor using a tetrode transistor?
Dear concern Plz provide me the solved papers of Railway section engineer in signal...
How to test the GSM, CDMA wireless terminals?
Can anyone help me in the interview questions for RVNL site engineer in EC?
pitch frequency of female?
how snuber circuit protect the thyrister
i m i n3rd ye of btech EC branch and have been placed in sftware company..wat sghd i do to improve my skills in 4th yr..i have a gd academic background.
Explain the approximate cost of the following corrosion monitoring systems. Smart pebbles eci-1(embedded corrosion instrument) monitoring cables time domain reflectometry &corrosion penetration monitoring system(cpmp)?
Why the actual q-factor of the coil is someexplain what larger than the calculated q-factor?
In wave guides tem wave propagation is not exit, give the physical interpretation?
SIR,i WANT SBH CLERK EXAM MODEL PAPER PLEASE SEND IT TO MY EMAIL asif520520@gmail.com ,,thanks a lot ....
4 Answers State Bank of Hyderabad SBH,