Looking for a test management system I work for a small
company (we are a group of five software engineers) into
software testing and we are looking out for a test
management software which has in-built live reporting and
centralized repository systems.
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Answer / prachi
Did you decide on any tool? I am also in the same position as yours and am now investigating different tools. Currently I'm considering XStudio. Have you come across it before?
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Answer / rajaganesan
Try Tet Link a open source tool with inbuild reporting
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What is exploratory testing and specification-driven testing?
What is the difference between functional and nonfunctional testing?
How the build and release differ from one another, write down the difference between build and release?
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what is the difference between quality assurance and quality control
4 Answers BIPL, BJIT, Cap Gemini, SouthTech,
What is the difference between the qa and software testing?
Define use case testing.
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