22.) There are nine balls on a billiards table numbered
consecutively from 1 to 9. Each ball carries the points
equal to its complement of 10 for pocketing a ball. If the
sum of the points obtained by pocketing the ball in the
first three strokes is 8 and the sum of the points obtained
by pocketing the ball in the last three strokes is 22, then
which of the following cannot be the sum of the numbers
written on the ball which were pocketed in the 1st, 5th and
8th stroke? (Assume in each stroke exactly one ball was
pocketed and all the 9 balls were pocketed in 9 strokes)

a) 19
b) 12
c) 23
d) 8
25.) 1 unit of A is made by mixing 4 units of B and 5 units
of C. 1 unit of B is made by mixing 1 unit of X, 4 units of
Y and 1 unit of Z. 1 unit of C is made by mixing 2 units of
X, 6 units of Y and 1 unit of Z. The weight of 1 unit each
of X, Y and Z is 5 kgs, 3 kgs and 8 kgs respectively. What
is the total weight of Y required to make 1400 kgs of A?

a) 630 kgs
b) 720 kgs
c) 690 kgs
d) 870 kgs
26.) 10 points are chosen on a plane. Every possible pair of
points is joined by a line and the midpoint of the line is
marked with red colour. What is the minimum possible number
points on the plane which have been marked with red colour?

a) 9
b) 17
c) 27
d) 45
27.) A function F(n) is defined as F(n-1)=1/(2-F(n)) for all
natural numbers n. If F(1) = 2, then what is the value of
[F(1)] + [F(2)] +...+ [F(50)]? (Here, [x] is equal to the
greatest integer less than or equal to x)

b) 55
c) 54
d) 52

Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback

22.) There are nine balls on a billiards table numbered consecutively from 1 to 9. Each ball carrie..

Answer / kajal

22) C

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

22.) There are nine balls on a billiards table numbered consecutively from 1 to 9. Each ball carrie..

Answer / prerna

A= 4B+ 5C
B= X+4Y+Z
C= 2X+6Y+Z

Given : X= 5 Kg, Y= 3Kg , Z= 8 Kg

To get 1400 Kg of A, We need 20B and 25C i.e 5A=1400 Kg =>

20B= 20X + 80Y + 20Z
25C= 50X + 150Y + 25Z
On substituting values,
Totally 230 units of Y is needed which results in

690 Kg Anonymous

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

22.) There are nine balls on a billiards table numbered consecutively from 1 to 9. Each ball carrie..

Answer / anil uttani

answer : a) 51
F(n-1) =1/(2-F(n))
therfore rearranging it we get
thus (1/F(n-1))<1
So F(n) = 2-x where x<1 always
thus 1<F(n)<2 always
so [F(n)]=1 always except F(1)=2
thus 2+49(1)=51

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