find odd one out among these 25,36,49,64,81
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Answer / r.k.batra
ans: 64
because difference b/w 2 digits is even only in 64
25-> 5-2=3
36-> 6-3=3
49-> 9-4=5
64-> 6-4=2 //even
81-> 8-1=7
Is This Answer Correct ? | 31 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / praveena
answer is 64 as sum of all others is odd while 6+4 is even
Is This Answer Correct ? | 30 Yes | 8 No |
Answer / krishna n dubey
wherever i think 49 is odd one because in its the nos 4 and
9 both are square numbers..and this property is not found in
the other numbers 25 , 36 , 64 , 81
Is This Answer Correct ? | 39 Yes | 17 No |
Answer / bragaadeesh
Guys, do not get carried away. These kinds of questions are
asked in interview to test how the brain process works for
the individual.
You can have as many solutions as possible for this problem.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 19 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / archana_p1990
25 because the two digits 2,5 are prime..!
Is This Answer Correct ? | 27 Yes | 18 No |
Answer / beulah
the answer is nt 64...take 1st 2.....25 n 36 the differnce
is 11..n then btwen 36 n 49 the dif is 13....n then btwen
49 n 64 it is 15....n last 64 n ther is no odd
as it follow the odd numbers in series...n more over it is
squares of 5*5=25,6*6=36,7*7=49,8*8=64,9*9=81...and hence
Is This Answer Correct ? | 13 Yes | 7 No |
Answer / kumar
9 =3^2
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 4 No |
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