
my company network is creating loop and network performence
is big slow and also all pc don,t get dhcp ip so pls let me
know what is happing in my network.

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Hi my company network is creating loop and network performence is big slow and also all pc don,t..

Answer / jitendera kumar sinha

before make the answer of that question could you please let
me know that

1 how you come to know that there is loop in your network
and if you recog it then have you removed it?

2 what is the last time when your user are able to get dhcp
ip address.?

Your network is too slow have you contact with your isp
provider and if you contact with them what they replied?

After making these answer i can correctly trouble shoot it

ok do not worry

make some steps it may be possible that it could correct the
problem which you faced

1 take your laptop and directly connect it to internet cable
that is the cable which is coming for internet.

Now assign the wan ip and gateway to your laptop and chek
your are getting internet conection or not if yes then
problem inside the lan
if no then contact with our isp


if yes

please check that dhcp is configured on your router with lease ?
if lease is life time then ok
if no then change the lease time.

now come to forewall

conect your laptop directly to firewall and check whether
you are geetiing dhcp or not.

yes then ok

no then try with manual ip and then chek the internet
conction you are geting or not
if yes then ok
no then you have to check the firewall conf

but it is strongily rember that please shutdown the firewall
and restart it after 5 min becoz some time it strat mallware
function due to that the problem occurs.

at last you should check the switch

it might be possible that some cable get bad so you have to
reapalsed it

thatk you

hope that will help you

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Hi my company network is creating loop and network performence is big slow and also all pc don,t..

Answer / abishek

try some operations with switch..
enable per vlan stp or check d firewall

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Hi my company network is creating loop and network performence is big slow and also all pc don,t..

Answer / s.m.feroz ahmed


There are many reasons to slow down of Network or
performance issue .To make your network performance improve
one can upgrade their systems like wise they can increase
the ram size from 512 mb to 1 gb,If hub is installed then
replace it with switch,remove unwanted files and folders
from system files,Increase hdd size.One can even Format
Hard Disk on a single system and check for performance .

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