Hi Recently I Attend one interview .The intervier ask on
Question in QC 9.2 . The Qus was while ruuning the Batch
RUNS scripts in test lab if defect will comes .The defect
automaticly wants to genate . How to Configure in QC .
Thank You
supose i hv to acsess some functionlaties of a test in 1 machin , some part other machin how can acsess?
In qtp, how you can remove the spaces from string?
How to use userdifined environment variables.Once we created in Environment tab which is at File--> Settings-- >Environment-->Userdifined
Why you are Using Descriptive programming instead of Object Repository?
examples of user definied functions? how to write user defined functions in qtp9.2?
what kind of frame work you used in your last project?
what is difference between wait and synchronization point.
hi testers,one script has three actions , at the of running three actions are running , how to set run only perticular action and what is the use of split the action? when it will be useful?
Explain xml checkpoints.
What is exact difference between “while” and “do while” in QTP ?
What is Virtual object wizard in QTP?
what is synchronization point, synchronization method, wait property method? with examples.. plz explain this in brief