How do i perform grounding of star point of Genset (400V) for making connection with step up transformer of DELTA-DELTA (400V to 20KV) ? while Genset itself has its own neutral and grounding bus bar inside genset breaker box whereas we have another neutral and grounding busbar in synchronizing panel next to genset at maximum distance of 6meter, would someone pls advice if we can only perform neutral grounding in synchronizing panel or should we ground neutral on both places inside genset breaker box and synchronizing panel.
1444why the perameters of secondary circuit are more important then that of the primary circuit of induction motor?
1585If the earth is a good conductor of electricity, why don't people get shocked every time they walking on earth?
1481completed BE & done apprentice at tneb & having experience 6 years. want to get c license. will apprentiship & BE be helpful for getting c license. will i get any preference by showing this?
1378I have motor 1500 HP and , 4160 V , 60 HZ , then i need the rating of transformer which can feed that motor ??
1584i have to install a HT panel, what components, I have to use in this and what will the diagram of that diagram,please tell me each and everything.
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a 100mva,400/200v transformer has leakage impdce of 10% draws a steady state line currentof---------------
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We have Diesel generator of 200KW. fuel consumption is always same,even connected light load or full load. Is it right?
What is VCB? where it is installed at SP. What is SP?
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