Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions
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please provide me the calculation for the thickness of duplex stainless steel pipeline thickness used in process industry ( Water). The details are given below. Diameter : 3" and 4" Thickness : 3.91mm, SCH40 Operating pressure : 62 bar Operating Temp : 35 degree ASME31.3


what type of questions will be there in the written paper of tata motors ?



my dad is refused 8 times in visitor visa? now my dad wants to go usa only? tell me what he can do? whats the reason?

US Consulate,


can any one send me all the interview questions and test questions on strength of materials . to


Dear sir, I am student of mechanical engg.Please,send me reliance energy placement papers.



Hi i am going to attend the interview for BHEL. can you please help out in knowing about the area of preparation. I am apprearing for Executive trainee post. Please share your views on this. Thanks

3 5088

What is the detailed meaning of automotive clutch endurance test and inertia test?

1873 to Ask the result After the interview gone? 2.please send me the interview questions of unigraphics,IDEAS,solidworks,autocadd,and mechanical design. to my mail id

Ashok Leyland, Bhel,


1./ Why are you seeking a job change? For better opportunity & to learn more 2./ Have you ever worked abroad before? No 3./ Why do you want to work outside of your country? To enhance my skills 4./ What are your long range career objectives? To serve humanity with my skills 5./ What is your most significant accomplishment at your last job? Completed my work before the given time with all quality works. I inspired my team to achieve all targets before the completion date 6./ How Well Do You Work In A Stressful Environment? Very well 7./ What are your greatest strengths as a professional? My commitment & hardwork 8./ As a manager how do you motivate people? I liked to work as a team 9./ How will you train your employees? By telling them what is right & how to do certain work with dedication 10./ What quality should a successful manager possess? Good Communication with colleague & by inspiring the team 11./ What is the most difficult thing about being a manager or executive? none 12./ Describe your management style. 13./ How do you deal with interpersonal problems in your team? 14./ Would you describe a difficult decision you have made. 15./ As a manager have you ever had to fire anyone? How did you feel about it? 16./ Are you a risk taker? Do you easily take risks at work? 17./ Do you consider yourself successful? 18./ How do you keep yourself professionally updated? 19./ What do your co-workers say about you? 20./ When will you be ready to start working?

Bhel, L&T, TCS,

1 9969

what is the required force to bend 2.5 MS sheet in 90 degrees and what is the formula to calculate the same?



how to prepare for bhel et interview



difference between performance and efficiency?

14 37740

i was been selected in et 2008 exam in mechanical engineering discipline .how to get prepared for interview



i was selected in bhel et exam in mechanical engg discipline .can any one help me how to get prepare for interview



how can we improve the efficiency of marine ship?

1 2884

Post New Mechanical Engineering Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Mechanical Engineering }

Define a uniformly distributed load.


What happens when too much cylinder oil is injected in the working cylinder?


Explain the procedure in staring a F.O. purifier


Explain the difference between the flight of a plane and a helicopter?


what are the parameters are selected while manufacturing a single cylinder block?what are the different kind of test is conducted on it so that it can withstand with all those condition which required to run the engine efficiently.which force is act when piston slide inside the cylinder.


What is meant by running clearance?


Define isometric drawing?


Why boiler is purged everytime before starting firing of fuel ?


How does a boat measure speed?


how to calculate cg of transformer


We have fifteen year old CNC turning lathe,placed in dust proof room,recently giving control problems frequently.We are considering to retrofit it.Pl.brief me about various point I should consider for accessing the mechanical health of machine.


sir, i am completed in diplamo. can i join in iit, anna univercity as lateral entry. pls reply me sir.


one kg of gas is compressed adiabatically from 1 kg/,1 cubic metre volume and 300 kelvin to 5 kg/,0.5 cubic metre and 400 transfer in this process will be


Would you be able to join our organization in a month"s time?


What are the symptoms of broke piston ring?