Civil Engineering Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the approx construction cost of 1 lac Sq.ft any place city or town?

2 3084

what is the length of a steel bar when it buy for the site????

4 4456

IN Compression testing machine 1division =10KN ,then what is compressive strength of 100*100 mm cubes at a load of 320 KN

Ravi Group,


how to know the one way or two slab

ASC, Harmal Enterprises,

3 5281

What is the FE 250 structural steel of 8mm tk plate testing sample intervals with IS code or international code?

GVR, Howe Engineering, L&T,


mix design ratio of M30 concrete


1 3004

why steel stirrups in column have more spacing at center and less spacing at both ends??

5 6913

if size is 235cmsx15cmx100cms so how many cement bags and how many sand bags are used for concrete mix

Ras Engineering, UltraTech,


What cantilever length can be provided safely for Galleries in a multi storey building?

1 2770

How many binding wire is use in arrangement of 25mt steel

2 4120

Calculate no of brick req 230cmx115cmx100cm


4 4452

Difference b/w tor steel or tmt bar


2 4359

Which apparatus done steel (bar) tension test

Kesri Construction,

1 2166

I am a new valuaer. I am seeking for instruments which r used to locate the site and from where I got it?


1 2106

How to Calculate no.of bricks in


3 5230

Post New Civil Engineering Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Civil Engineering }

Slab quantity 


Which is the latest version of solidsworks?


what is floating slab foundation?


What will be the exam pattern and syllabus for j.e post of haryana staff selection commision? Advt no. (02/2015) Some people says it would only be objective type question papers while others say it would be same as ssc (1 objective,1 conventional) ?? Please answer this question it is needfull to all.


which software is better for design and analysis of buildings (stadd pro ) or (Etabs)


how much cement and sand consuptin in 4 inch siporex walls 100 sq ft


When column of building is abutting the boundary line,then suitable footing advised is


please briefly explain calculating or estimating steel quantity for a RCC column?


can we use PPC for concrete wall, If yes, what is the concrete (PPC & OPC) grade for Non- load bearing concrete wall, load bearing concrete wall & for cellar retaining wall.


what is modular brick and it size


how much tempareture are required to make liquid state of pid leed


I have completed building maintenance course in mcvc stream .. can I apply for the post of " sthapstya abhiyantriki sahayyak"?


What are the reasons for geotechnical site investigations in uganda?


What is the maximum strength of cub compress strength in one cub testing


What are the basic use of runners and standards of pipelines?