PeopleSoft General Interview Questions
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Which record is not found in database?

1 963

What is the logic used by Component Buffer?

1 847

What are the Two Program views of AE Program?

1 873

You have 3 App. Servers where do you define the Failover?

1 852

Query is split into what?

1 940

Menu path provides path to?

1 835

When Auto-join check box is checked what does it mean?

1 834

What effect would making a change to the EMPLID field in the above project have?

1 849

An employee is transferred where should he refer in this aspection?

1 873

What are destructive statements in SQL?

1 899

A clients App was 3months behind, what should he do to update the app since it was not working?

1 959

In Two Tier mode where does authentication happens?

1 910

Worklist for a particular user contains marked worked and reassigned buttons. The reassigned button is set from?

1 863

ps application logic reside where?

1 930

Where do peopletools data is cached?

1 864

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Un-Answered Questions { PeopleSoft General }

What are the main attributes of a component interface (ci)?


Suppose an employee is transferred where should he refer in this aspect?


Explain the different ways to run ae, sqr.(Command, process scheduler)?


Tell me in which peoplecode event does all data validation take place?


How to define the names of the application servers being used to access peoplesoft?


What are the different ways to run ae, sqr? (Command, process scheduler)


Explain about transaction table?


What are the types of data types are available in pc? Give me some ex for each?


What is the process flow in billing, ar, am. Gl, ap, po etc?


What is file format for sqr?


The main attributes of a component interface (ci) are?


Explain where do we find the doc /// in customer connection---frequently updated. Thing like patches?


How did you apply your patces and bundles?


What is translate tables?


Explain tuning can be done on which servers?