Where do peopletools data is cached?
What are the steps for force Shutdown In PeopleSoft Domain Shutdown menu?
How to define the names of the application servers being used to access peoplesoft?
What is the component processor?
Define peoplecode?
The initial values that you see in PSADMIN are derived from the configuration template that you select when you create your domain. Where these templates reside in the system?
What is the process flow in billing, ar, am. Gl, ap, po etc?
Explain what is customer connection?
Difference between saveedit and fieldedit?
You can assign multiple databases and application servers to a single profile. But, each database and application server must be assigned to only one profile?
Which of the following is correct in order to start the process scheduler server from the command line using psadmin?
What is pscama(peoplesoft application messaging attribute)?
What are the parts of an AE program ?