What actions will occur, when a Component Interface (CI) is created on component that has Add action enabled?
1 1012What are various steps that describes the peoplecode logic while implementing a Component Interface?
1 1008Will Tuxedo continue to be used in a PeopleSoft/WebSphere or PeopleSoft/WebLogic environment?
1 1030Why did PeopleSoft bundle IBM WebSphere Advanced Single Server Edition rather than Advanced Edition?
1 1050Are there advantages or disadvantages to using BEA WebLogic over IBM WebSphere or vice versa?
1 1066Which one of the following Data Types is NOT supported by the PeopleCode programming environment?
1 1062What hyperlinks available in PeopleBooks? Some options with different hyperlinks not available in peoplebooks, select the correct one?
1 1035The example below demonstrates the use of SQR flags in the configuration manager directories folder: -F C:PSHrmsSqrWhat do the above SQR flags signify to the SQR Report Writer upon execution?
1 1026Post New PeopleSoft General Questions
Explain use of process profile?
Tell me data mover questions. Where did you use etc?
What is processing tables?
How to views two program of ae program?
Which is the peoplesoft’s hub to handle complex system-to-system interactions?
When workflow even fires?
Difference between meta sql and normal sql?
Explain the order of people code events firing?
What is the difference between saveedit and fieldedit?
Do you know triggerbusinessevent is used for triggering the workflow and its written on workflow event. Triggerbusinessevent has the syntax?
The field property is changed from prompt with no edit to prompt with edit. what is the effect. No more data edit possible?
Why state records are needed?
What is the use of scrollflush()
Do you know a system manager must approve all the transactions what is this?
Explain use of gray and ungray fun?