Bio Chemistry Interview Questions
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What are the two types of confirmation of a cyclohexane ring?

2 5498

What is the phenomenon of Acrolein test?

1 8279

Explain Cloverleaf model of the t-RNA base sequence of yeast alanine?

1 5515

What are isozymes?

3 8776

What are the common features of active site?

1 18686

how do u synthesise phenanthrene alkaloids?

1 4106

what is the opposing rolling circle model of DNa?

1 4232


1 3317

What is the ping-pong mechanism regarding to enzyme reactions?

2 8617

Explain the principle of ultracentrifuge?

1 26065

What are Neurotransmitters?

1 3621

What is the chemical structure of hyaluronic acid?

1 4615

What is the importance of metabolic water?

2 11090

What is le bel-van?t Hoff rule?

1 5897

What is the action of dicoumarol?

1 3689

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Un-Answered Questions { Bio Chemistry }

What does the expression –dc/dt indicates?


What are hydrides of boron called?


Because of dna replication, two dna molecules come to existence. Why is not it correct to assert that two “new” dna molecules are created? What is the name given to the process concerning that fact?


When it functions as a "second messenger", cAMP a) acts outside the cell to influence cellular processes. b) acts "second in importance" to AMP. c) activates all cytosolic protein kinases. d) activates the cAMP-dependent protein kinase.


What is the rule for the pairing of nitrogen-containing bases in the dna molecule and in the rna? Is this last question appropriate?


Explain standard feat of formation.


The elution volume of an enzyme on a gel filtration column can be predicted from a) its enzyme activity b) its protein absorbance at 280 nm c) subunit composition and monomer molecular mass(es) d) Choices a) and b) are both correct.


Glycolysis is A) C6H12O6 --> 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 B) C6H12O6 --> 2CH3H4O3 + 4H c) C3H4O3 + NAD --> C2H5OH + CO2 NAD D) C6H12O6 + 6H20 --> 6CO2 + 6H2O


What can you calculate by selecting Born-Haber cycle?


How does the substrate concentration affect the speed of enzymatic reactions?


Explain how can you determine the reaction, taking place at constant pressure delta (h)?


How is the actual free energy change for a process related to the standard free energy change?


Name a sulphur containing amino acid.


Give the formula for baking soda.


What is the enzyme that catalyzes the process for production of rna?