Software Quality Analysis Interview Questions
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what is regression testing, how effectively the QA lead / manager can implement this for product qualification


what are the differences between product branch qualification as well as product qualification !!! if a product branch supports more than a product then what is the QA strategy towards the same



what are the basic knowledge requirements for a QA engineer to start QA of a specific product


what are the differences between smoke and sanity testing

1 3455

how to calculate defect density rate and what are the retrospective mesures you have experienced / taken to reduce the same

1 8567

How to write testcases while we know only the datatypes for the fields


I am looking for interview question / technical questions for veritas netbackup.



compare all the models of software development. write advantages and limitations of each.

1 4194

Our is a small Software Company. What is the process if we need to achieve CMM level 3?

1 3850

How to integrate Webscarab and webgoat?

1 3788

What is the purpose of process assessment? Why has spice been developed as a standard for process assessment?

1 8783

What are the advantages and disadvantages of developing software in which quality is "good enough" ? ie. What happens when we emphasisdevelopment speed over product quality?


How does agile communication differ from tradition software engineering communication? How it is similar?

1 12556

Are there characteristics of a system that cannot be established during system engineering activities? Describe the characteristics, if any, and explain why a consideration of them must be delayed until later engineering steps.

1 2804

Why is it that a single, all – encompassing metric cannot be developed for programme complexity or programme quality?


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How would you finalize the number of resources/testers needed for the testing in the estimation ?


What are ‘throwaway’ prototypes and ‘evolutionary’ prototypes? How can production of a prototype be controlled and why is this important?


what are the priliminary expectations from smoke testing from developer and QA point of view


How would you do an Estimation?


Give a suitable definition of software quality and briefly describe the rationale for your definition.


what are the usual metrics one have to apply for SW improvement projects


is QA expects any level of interaction from development engineer !!!


what are the disadvantages of selenium IDE..?


How you test a Pen?


What are the main risk factors which may be encountered in the development of software?


what is the difference configurable items and non configurable items ?


hi can anyone provoide SRS for order processing system and intranet plz


I am looking for interview question / technical questions for veritas netbackup.


Hi I want to test regarding cookies.. Session should be good for 4 hours and once expired user is returned to login page.. How can i test the session is good for 4 hrs?? Whether i need wait for 4 hours?