Hi I want to test regarding cookies.. Session should be good for 4 hours and once expired user is returned to login page.. How can i test the session is good for 4 hrs?? Whether i need wait for 4 hours?
1865how to test the application/software without any requirements(like BRD,FRD etc.,) for a new project?
2384Post New Software Quality Analysis Questions
Lines of code (LOC) and function point counts (FPC) are two measures of the size of a system. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using these two metrics for measuring systems.
How would you do an Estimation?
How to write testcases while we know only the datatypes for the fields
How would you finalize on testcases in estimation? Say you have 200 requirements. How would you come up how many testcases you are going to write for each requirements?
Can anyone send me e commerce website test cases please its urgent
Why is it that a single, all – encompassing metric cannot be developed for programme complexity or programme quality?
is all the test cases to be automized !!! if yes / no let explain the reason
As soon as you get a build ,what would you ask your testing team to do?
Hi Friends... I faced an question in Tcs.But i unable to answer. find the question below.. A root filesytem"c0t0d0s0" caries 100 gb data. in this filesystem. i am having 3 files named a,b,c it caries 20 gb data each. I need to take backup only 3 files a,b,c. How i can take. Note you need to take only 3 files to an single tape having capacity 80 gb. Whats the commad used?
is QA expects any level of interaction from development engineer !!!
what are the usual metrics one have to apply for SW improvement projects
what are the disadvantages of selenium IDE..?
hi can anyone provoide SRS for order processing system and intranet plz
How would you know if the same build you tested is deployed in production? There are chances that developer might deploy some other working build?
what are the differences between product branch qualification as well as product qualification !!! if a product branch supports more than a product then what is the QA strategy towards the same