how can passed exam of LIBRARY JOB AS--- ASST- LIBRARIAN/ LIBRARIAN.
Government, IBS, PGS School, TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission,
6 11668How many two digit positive integers N have the property that the sum of N and the number obtained by reversing the order of the digit of N is a perfect aquare.
1955three years ago the average age of a family of 5 members is 17 years. a baby having been born the average age of the family is the same today. the present age of the baby is?
3 12965
My marks in cgl exam 2010 tier-1 129, tier-2 146+100 and my cotagory- OBC what is the result of my for post auditor
write the algorithm for false position method?
which of the following is said to be an important aspect of industrial relation? 1.profit and loss of the org 2.future expansion programme 3.conflict and co operation 4.quality control 2. The Govt strategy in maintaining indusstrial relation in india is 1. laissez faire 2. total intervention 3. required intervention 4. none of above
will all bpo companies would be call centers then what is the right meaning of ''NON-VOICE EXECUTIVES"
who had an explosive idea and first patented dynamite?
folly disk is ram type memory or rom type memoty
kindly tell me about the preparation of bank p.o?
Whose killling was the trigger for the 1st World War ?
i want some sample question paper for indian bank exam.please send us early as possible
i want previous question papers of juniour lectutrs for physics subject.
now i have a professional B.V.Sc degree in hand i want to prepare for group-1 where i can start ? what subject i should start?
CCl4 is inert to water but BCl3 hydrolises in moist air.Why?
Largest producing manganese district of odisha.
The number of possible ordered trees with 3 nodes ,please explain
what are common arror in english in clerical grade kindly give your answer