Imagine that ten years from now a colleague is describing you to a new employee. What will s/he say about you that you are not known for now? How will you achieve these new skills?
4195please send model question papers fo BANK PO EXAM QUESTION PAPERS
ABC, Andhra Bank, Bank Of India, Banking, BSRB, ICICI, Indian Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, Oriental Bank Of Commerce, Punjab National Bank, SMC, State Bank Of India SBI, UCO Bank,
49 53550what MBA exam i should appear in after doing graduation of bachelors of computer applicaions? and what other master's degree options are available after doing BCA?
Oriental Bank Of Commerce, Punjab Gramin Bank PGB, State Bank Of India SBI,
2 4765. ISRO has launched successfully ten satellites through PSLV-C9 on - 15th March,2008 30th March,2008 28th April,2008 4th May,2008
4 6318Hi all.. Im going to attend the Bank Probationary Officers Exam. So pls suggest me the best book for the preperation and practise as well.. Thank you
2566Please suggest me how to prepare for the Bank Probationary Officers examination. I cant go to any coaching classes, so im preparing at plese tell me any tips regarding how to prepare for the exams.. thank you
which economic plan of india has the objective to achieve "growth with equity".
wrong number in series is 1,6,33,165,740,2970,10395
What are your suggestions for making workers participation more affective in an IT industry?
Hi frnds, can u suggest me good institutes in vizag for GROUP1?
Differentiate between pay grade and broading.
what is democratic right
The stock investment and opening stock of a company are Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000. Calculate its closing stock
Bird is flying 120 km/hr between B to R. Two trains at B to R at 60 kmph. The distance traveled by the bird before it is killed?
write a progrram in c find out gretest num among five num without using if else statement ,switch case,nd control statement
who are the Sultan Mirzza
Find the least number which when divided by 12,16 and 36 leaves remainder 7 in each case
The characters of the c program to receive input from and send to function, this function will check if the characters between letters a to z as y is the output characters to the main function and otherwise, return to the main function of the y characters.
Ramesh went to a bank with a cheque. He had no money with him. He handed over the cheque to one of the bank tellers. The bank teller was in a confused state of mind and cashed the cheque. He gave Ramesh as many rupees as those of paise he had to give and as many paise as those of rupees he had to give. Ramesh took the amount and left the bank. He then bought a chocolate for 75 paise from a shop nearby. He then observed that he was left with an amount which was the excess of the amount on the cheque over the amount he received from the teller. Find the sum of them number of rupees and paise on the cheque. a) 60. b) 75 c) 90 d) 120
all cat related question
A father has three daughters find out the age of three daughters ? 1-the product of their age is 36. 2-the sum of their age is equal to your house number . 3-my eldest daughter has green eyes.