Whose signature is found on a ten-rupee currency note in India? (a) Governor of RBI (b) Finance Secretary of India (c) Finance Minister of India (d) None of the above
15 50607Andhra Bank Management Trainees?/ Probationary Officers? Recruitment Exam March 2005 Question Paper
3 14184The slogan ?With you ? all the way? is related to which a bank? 1 Indian Bank 2 HSBC 3 HDFC 4 State Bank of India
17 41704. The Finance Commission is appointed for every (1) 2 years (2) 3 years (3) 4 years (4) 5 years
5 21111Having completed 4 years for electronics engineering studies , why you are interested to work in a bank ?
9 18776i want to write andhrabank exam. kindly request any one send me exam syllabus and privious model papers.
6 9635Post New Andhra Bank Interview Questions
What is the procedure to access the database from delphi?
Name and explain the three location modes?
hai everybody... wish u all the best for those who got selected in sbi associate bank is anyone from coimbatore region attending on 27th may 2009.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of embedded style sheets?
Is c better than c++?
Can you create a synonym without having a table?
What is php artisan. List out some artisan commands?
What is the Elvis Operator?
How would you design a domain-specific chatbot using LLMs?
How to use w3.org feed validation service?
What is Form 12A & Form-H and where is applicable.
Which marine mammal’s flesh is mostly used by eskimos?
Tell me the difference between clustered and non-clustered index?
i am using LM7805 for my project in which 12v dc supply is given.how should i calculate the values of C0 and C1?