Bird is flying 120 km/hr between B to R. Two trains at B to R at 60 kmph. The distance traveled by the bird before it is killed?
2457A software engineer can code on following terms , He would take 5 minutes to think 100 lines & 10 minutes to code these 100 lines. And after every 10 minutes he would take a break of 5 minutes. Find out the total numbers lines coded in 60 minutes.
3 4433number which when divide by 49 leave 32 as the reminder and number divide by 7 what was the remainder
2143a number when divided by 10 leaves a reaminder 9 & when divid by 9 leaves reminder 8, when divided 8 leves remainder 7 is ?
1 3621Hello friends, Can someone provide me a link to RS Aggarwal Verbal and Non Verbal reasoning book? Thanks,
2545A father had 11 children's, He placed 11 Apples in a bowl and each child taken one apple but there is One Apple left in the Bowl ? How ?
2 5048
NAme one important decision you have taken in your life in the past six months
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Hello Guys,I need your help.Atually I m preparation for a MAT and CMAT also but I need a Current affairs of last 6 month its important as for the exam.So, please send me with full Inormation about the GK. And 1 more thing is that please send me the last 10 scandle with full description. my Email-Id is Thank-You....
defefination of ASP, ERP
A father has three daughters find out the age of three daughters ? 1-the product of their age is 36. 2-the sum of their age is equal to your house number . 3-my eldest daughter has green eyes.
what will be the cut off for allahabad bank clerical exam 2010????
a student obtained 60,75 & 85 marks respectively in three monthly exams in math & 95 marks in final exam.the three monthly exams are of equal weight age whereas the final exam is weighted twice as much as a monthly exam.his average marks in Math are?
in a pattern 4,42,32,? what will be 4th number
If the side of rhombus is 10 cm then find the sum of the square of diagonal?
swami ramdas guru of shivaji,what is name of arm in hand ..?
which of the following financial institutions has introduced the ‘Know Your Customer’ Scheme ?
How many railway stations ather between jhansi and nizamuddin. wright their names also?
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