Dear sir i need central bank of india clerical grade last three year question papers. Kindly forward to my email id
2022ram bought a rectangle plot of 144 m long and 49 m exchange of this plot he wanted to buy a square field of the same area.find the length of the side of the square?
1 3000I Mrs Aruna Bhamre have applied for the Exam at Nashik on date 29/08/2010.of Dharmday Aaykta for the Post of Superintendent Officer/ Public relation Officer at Nashik. but still i have not got the Result of the same Exam. So inform me about the Same. My Seat No -5040498. and My cell No is - 9226958885.
1 2989which is the best institute in hyderabad for bank po's and how to prepare for po's in a smart way
2544A father has three daughters find out the age of three daughters ? 1-the product of their age is 36. 2-the sum of their age is equal to your house number . 3-my eldest daughter has green eyes.
Bird is flying 120 km/hr between B to R. Two trains at B to R at 60 kmph. The distance traveled by the bird before it is killed?
NAme one important decision you have taken in your life in the past six months
What motivated you to do this PG
what will be the cut off for allahabad bank clerical exam 2010????
1 voltage is equel to how much jule/coulamb
wrong number in series is 1,6,33,165,740,2970,10395
sir i have registered for rbi b grade officer post but havent recieved any confirmation about the venue or hall ticket .plz help
please provide me the firs tmark in tancet mba 2010, and counselling date,cutoff,and ranklist announcement date...soon...
in a pattern 4,42,32,? what will be 4th number
please send me last 10 years orissajeee solved question paper for MCA
defefination of ASP, ERP
write a progrram in c find out gretest num among five num without using if else statement ,switch case,nd control statement
in a year once,in a month two,in a week four, in a day six times?
Ramesh went to a bank with a cheque. He had no money with him. He handed over the cheque to one of the bank tellers. The bank teller was in a confused state of mind and cashed the cheque. He gave Ramesh as many rupees as those of paise he had to give and as many paise as those of rupees he had to give. Ramesh took the amount and left the bank. He then bought a chocolate for 75 paise from a shop nearby. He then observed that he was left with an amount which was the excess of the amount on the cheque over the amount he received from the teller. Find the sum of them number of rupees and paise on the cheque. a) 60. b) 75 c) 90 d) 120