Hi my name is kuldeep singh, i have finished my B.E in computer science and engg in 2008. I have worked with accenture for 17 months and because of family problem i left the job in dec 2009.. i was in data ware housing capability. right now i am working in a BPO as technicla support executive,, i want to move to IT again, please suggest me what shuld i do? its been 1 year gap and i am not able to get into IT...please suggest me ...should i go for informatica certification will that help me to get inot IT. please give ur suggestion..my E mail is is singh.kuldeep2004@yahoo.in
1972Hi, I've a mapping with flat file source The target update override property for the target table is using update stmt. There is no update strategy between source and target. Also The session has the target properties as Insert , Update as update options checked. Does this mean that recs will be inserted only and the update override will not be applied at all. Thanks
1548we hava a flat file having more than 1000 records and two targets. i have to write first half of the rows into first targets and next half of rows into second target. how can i do in informetica??
1 5051we hava more than 1000 records. i have to select first 5 record, last 5 record and 5 records from middle of the source. how can i do in oracle as well as in informetica??
4 7880I have a Flat file with more no. of Records also including duplicate values. But i need distinct values to one target and remaining records to another target in Informatica way
2 5236can u please tell me about ........ how can explain my project before interviewer my projects are insurence domain & sales domain?
1909IN Informatica, I have 10 records in my source system. I need to load 2 records to target for each run. how to perform.please let me know. I know by using Mapping variable we can perform but how to load please any one explain.
3 12895how to answer the question "explain project architecture" in informatica pls any one who has the answer pls send the answer to this mail id "karumanchisrinu@gmail.com
2 17307
How many types of transformations supported by sorted input?
What are snapshots? What are materialized views & where do we use them? What is a materialized view log?
what is pmrep command?
Two default user groups created in the repository are____and_____.
How to recover a workflow? What are the different approaches?( In prod i.e no access to modify)
What is fact? What are the types of facts?
How many steps etl contains explain with example?
Explain what is etl process? How many steps etl contains explain with example?
What is full load & incremental or refresh load?
what is the difference between cardinality and Nullability?
1.Identify and discuss the problems which are occurred during data quality verification for the single-source and multi-source problems. 2.Testing has very important role in DWH. In ETL testing phase, how can we perform the integration testing and regression testing? 3.What are the perquisites of system testing and regression testing in ETL phase?
When do we go for the tools in the market?
What do you understand by active and passive transformations?
Explain and compare etl & manual development?
Give the benefits of data integration suite?