When do we use dynamic cache and static cache in connected and unconnected lookup transformations? Difference between stop and abort
Identifying the bottlenecks in various components of Informatica and resolving them.
Identifying the bottlenecks in various components of Informatica and resolving them.
What are the types of Data Warehouse applications?
diff b/w dwh & data mart diff b/w star schema & snow flake schema diff b/w fact table & dimension table what are the contents in requirement specification what are the docs needed for testing draw ur proj architecture
Knowledge on what are the improtant characteristice that we need ot consider while developing an ETL Code
how does the server recongnise the source and target databases.Elaborate on this
State the differences between shortcut and reusable transformation
when will use SQL override in a lookup transformation?
Hi my name is kuldeep singh, i have finished my B.E in computer science and engg in 2008. I have worked with accenture for 17 months and because of family problem i left the job in dec 2009.. i was in data ware housing capability. right now i am working in a BPO as technicla support executive,, i want to move to IT again, please suggest me what shuld i do? its been 1 year gap and i am not able to get into IT...please suggest me ...should i go for informatica certification will that help me to get inot IT. please give ur suggestion..my E mail is is singh.kuldeep2004@yahoo.in
what are the types in error loging?
Explain etl mapping sheets?
Do we need an ETL tool? When do we go for the tools in the market?
Give a way in which u can implement a real time scenario where data in a table is changing and u need to look up data from it.How will u configure the look up transform for this purpose?
what are the data sources extracted from logistics cockpit in sap bw project and what is the requirement for it ?