QTP Interview Questions
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Suppose i have a script which is having 100 lines.I want to execute that script starting from line no 75.means first qtp should read the script from line no 75 how can u do it.

Lehman Brothers, rsystems,

5 10898

hi what is the use of "dim" in automation objective model or any where what is the use of "dim" plz tell me

3 7214

We have an application which generates links( more than thousand) based on the time stamp dynmically.Each link will download an xls file. we are supposed to click a particular link (which link to click will be obtained thru some buisiness logic).Now the issue is QTP is not recogniging the link(say Var1) though its properties showed mandatory fields text=xyz and html tag=A.I used following code to do this. Browser("ABC").Page("123").Link("text:=" &Var1,"html tag:=A").click, can any one suggest why this is not recognised by QTP though syntax is correct?(Is there any sync issue to be considered?Because on clicking the link it will take 5 mins to open that file)

3 4391

how to identify the user defind varibles? plz tell me

1 3138

in QTP we test web based application at that time what script is run? is support vb script? plz tell me

3 6527

how to idetfy which test cases are automated?who will deside that plz tell me


how to create the varibles and how these are connect to qtp? plz tell me

3 5274

what is the use of automation objective model?where is used? plz tell me

2 4639

what is the defference between QTP 8.2 and 9.0and 9.2? plz tell me

6 9463

what is aregular expression?


4 6946

what is objectidentification?

2 4049

How to make Shared object repository in qtp 9.1 and 9.2?

2 8895

how can we group that these test cases only should be automated and in which order you execute that test cases

Maveric, Satyam,

3 6506

How to connect the remote desktop using QTP 9.2 explain the method or procedure?

Magna Infotech, Oracle,


HOw to add the recovery file at runtime to the test file .


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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

How we can use the database checkpoint on a java web based application in which the database connectivity is done using JDBC->Pure Java type (in this type there is no need to create a DSN). At present in QTP we can fetch database values using checkpoint only through DSN. Is there any programming for this if we don't have DSN (ODBC)


What are benefits of qtp?


1.How do u prepare the test suits in QC? 2.How do u convert requirements to test plan in QC?


what is the diff between manual test plan document and automation test plan doc.can u explain indetail.


What is the parameterization? Give one example?


When and why to use descriptive programming?


How to open a new test using quicktest professional (qtp)?


Explain the N-tire structure(process) for Funds Transfer ( means give N ways to funds Transfer in an Application)


How to capture dynamic values in load runner and how Each of the captured values are to be written to a text file (c:\temp\LoadRunner1.txt)


How to upload excel files into Quality Center using QTP Script and how to delete excel files from Quality?


what is profile tool?


What are the types of environment variables in qtp?


Hi. please provide license key for QTP 9.2, I have windows XP on my machine Thanks in Advance, moreshwar


What is quicktest professional (qtp)?


What r the different filters in defect in quality center