QTP Interview Questions
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anyone can explain the following concepts. 1.diff b/w Linear and modular framework 2.diff b/w keyword and hybrid framework

1 2909

I have the script like this: Browser("Philips Web Login").Page("Philips CL DMS2 Application").Frame("ScopeFrame").Link("DC3701737 (Active)").Click in which the value "DC3701737" will get changed and i have to use the same value in so many places. If i want to get that value "DC3701737" in to a variable, how? pls let me know if you didn't get the question. Help me out in this.

2 4178

What is driver script and driver script in qtp frame work????


6 47697

How to run scripts 1,29,3,5,7,2 scripts using test batch runner in QTP.... Ie...I wanted to run scripts not in an order 1,2,3,4,5...like that How it is possible using test batch runner... I dont want hardcoded script



What is keyword driven framework, what is "key" in It.


2 4211

Could you please any one give code for the following ? Scenario : Suppose a excel file contains 10 records and earch have 5 fields. how can i input this excel file for datadrive wizard ? Please explain


How to export(copy) the entire webtable from the webpage into Excelsheet? using Vb scripting

9 27504

While writing script using For Next Statement in QTP, I try defining the variable in Lib File I am getting syntax error whereas if I use the variable in script file, the script works fine. Can anyone help me in finding the reason behind this?. E:g Dim intStartRow (Define in Lib File----- say abc.vbs) Dim intRow (If I define this variable in Lib file I am getting Syntax error where as if I define in the script file ---- say xyz.mts the script works fine) IntStartRow=2 For intRow = intStartRow to xlWrksht.UsedRange.Rows.Count ‘Some Code here Next

1 3725

QTP is identifying all windows application objects(i.e. winbutton,winconbobox,etc) as winobjects.How to handle this? Is there any way to add our own properties to identify objects?

1 4658

Is it possible to change the name of a test object. I mean when we are recording the script for an object (for Ex: Username is a text field which has value "Babu",i am recording that). Then the Name of the object will become "Babu" in object repository. If i want to change "babu" as "xxxxx" .. is it possible to do? Pls help me in this .. if you didn't understand the question, pls let me know.

4 4688

what is the use of Browser.sync()


2 6382

In automation testing, while doing descriptive programing; how will u get the properties of the objects in what format, what type of a document, and by whom? Pls explain in detail. Thanks a lot


2 6161

Actually How do we use this Smart Identification Technology during Recording mode.

1 2556

Do we have to Enable Smart Identification while running Or will it automatically be enabled ?

2 4136

How do you start automating/ writing your QTP scripts ?

Keane India Ltd,

3 7913

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

what is the structure for the data driven framework


What is the parameterization? Give one example?


What is the use of an object spy tool in qtp?


Hi.. I want to do parametrization for selecting perticular flighr say XYZ by using local table: criteria: 1.If flight is available msgbox "Flight is available" and then select flight from flight table and click to ok button after that as enter username and ticket no and then stop 2. otherwise msgbox " Flight is not available" and stop Please help me out ..and let me know your responses on dipak.bachhav@gmail.com Regard, Dipak


What is regular expression?


what is the difference between IE & Netscape in web testing on a log in page


How to handle Java tree in QTP?


What is qtpro? What is a quick test professional?


How to execute a winrunner script in quicktest professional?


What is QTP and the use of QTP in TD?


hi i am working with vbwindow on qtp.first i am openning qtp whenever open qtp my application not open that time generated error like "Runtime error 0" and fatal error:automation error how to solve this problem pls tell me


why you have standardized functions? plzzz guys with real time exp. do answer


How we can use the database checkpoint on a java web based application in which the database connectivity is done using JDBC->Pure Java type (in this type there is no need to create a DSN). At present in QTP we can fetch database values using checkpoint only through DSN. Is there any programming for this if we don't have DSN (ODBC)


Our company is having a windows client server application developed in vb.net. so there is a treeview and i am not in a position to record the click events in QTP. so kindly help. Vivek


i am a begnner so am learning Error handling :tried using Recovery manager didnt work i want to be able to handle errors , e.g. if while running the test the folwoing does not show up then how can i use the If then else and goto next step in the test, as in many scenarios it does not show up Browser("The Shopping Channel -").Page("The Shopping Channel -_8").Image("easy pay").Click