General Ques : At What State u start Automating ? means at what stage we start writing QTP scripts ?
2 3977I am trying to write a descriptive program for clicking on a perticular link.For that i wanted an index or location of that object.But when I viewing through spy, There was no index property of that object.What to do for getting index value.How can I get index? please any one let me know.
5 5838When i use paramateriztion for tickets in flight reservation application , the tes'll run for first iteration but for the second iteration it'll give this details, but the second iteration is failed. Pls anyone clarify it. Cannot find the "Agent Name:" object's parent "Login" (class Dialog). Verify that parent properties match an object currently displayed in your application.
2 8352Hi, Any one have the crack for QTP 10.0,if so could you please send it to
2 5532I have the script like this: Browser("Login").Page ("Application").Frame("ScopeFrame").Link("DC3701737 (Active)").Click in which the value "DC3701737" will get changed and i have to use the same value in so many places. I got the value "DC3701737" in to a variable(Say x). Now if i want to pass the variable in to link object .. how? Browser("Login").Page("Application").Frame ("ScopeFrame").Link(x).Click Is it possible to pass any variable into a link object .. so, that the application will select that link automatically? If ur not able to understand, pls let me know.
2 3949Hi .. i want to write the script for the combo nox list . For example if any combo box having a multipul itme. So how can i retrive each item for each iteration ? help me out .
2 4390How to compare source and target database in testing? Can anybody please tell me in detail the procedure how to compare it?
1 5896
I have created 3 actions in test action1, action2, action3 but I want run action 1,action 3,action2 how can you change in the actions in keyword view?
1. wat are the main diff b/w QTP 8.0 AND QTP 9.2 ( not user interface) 2. wat is the meaning of Keyword in keyword driven frame work? 3. how u will handle the unknown errors while exucution. (not recovery scenario)
what you mean by artifact,milestone...
What is exact meaning of Database Checkpoint in QTP 9.2 and what are the different types of the database check points?
Tell me about your project? please help me how to tell about insurance project
What are the different ways to invoke an application using QTP?
How to change the priorities of the recovery scenario properties?
How to Open FireFox using descriptive programing? If my question is not clear, i will give an Example To Open Internet Explorer, We use Set IE = CreateObject(InternetExplorer.Application) IE.Navigate " In the same i need to open in firefox. Can any one tell me what is the server name of firefox to create an object
Please guide me release notes of Automation once scripts are completed
How to use transactions in qtp?
What is system testing and what are the different types of tests you perform in system testing?
How to use actions in qtp ?
what is run-time data?
I am facing an issue of object identification with the dropdown element of DHTML grid. When I tried to recognize these different dropdown objects, QTP identifies only one object for all the dropdowns. Hence, selection of different data from different dropdowns list is an issue. To overcome this problem, i have used Descriptive Programming technique by creating different object descriptions which have all the other properties same but differ only in one property i.e. ‘X’ location of the element on the screen. Hence, i have created distinct object descriptions that would allow us to select values in different dropdowns. The code is given below. But still I am unable to identify distinct dropdown objects. ‘Object Description for Dropdown Cell Status Set objCellStatus = Description.Create objCellStatus("micclass").value = "WebList" objCellStatus("name").value = "select" objCellStatus("x").value = 219 ------ ‘X’ Axis value for cell status drop down ‘Object Description for Dropdown Sub Segment Set objSubSegment = Description.Create objSubSegment("micclass").value = "WebList" objSubSegment("name").value = "select" objSubSegment("x").value = "319" ------ ‘X’ Axis value for sub segment drop down Please help... This is specific to DTML grid(Drop down object)
In qtp is it possible to check broken links of a page?