QTP Interview Questions
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Is it possible to convert QTP scripts to Silk scripts?

Sierra Atlantica,

2 5709

how to lunch the application in the qtp tool ?

3 5368

anyone can explain about "Smart Identification" in QTP. what is the use of "Smart Identification" ???

1 3531

i want to handle all the unwanted pop up through QTP i done that with recovery scenario but it need some title of pop up but i want that it should handle all the pop up even i don't give the title of that pop up in recovery scenario is there any general way to handle all the pop up please help

3 11622

Hi, Is there any function or vbscript in QTP to clear the cookies,sessions. Please help me in this.

6 15319

Is there any vbscript in QTP for Data Driven Test instead of using the option provided by QTP?

2 4586

Tell when we call the function? tell with example.

1 3471

What are different versions in Win Runner ,QTP ,Load Runner and Test Director till now and atleast please let me know new features for each version. Ex QTP8.2,QTP 8.5.QTP9.2 supports Mozilla 2.0


1 5109

Hi I am new to QTP. can u please answer to my qus... suppose 3 excel sheets are there * we are trying to check for login credentials for a page. userid from excel1 , password is from excel2 whether the page is opened or not that checkpoint is result is should be stored in excel 3.... this qus i have faced in IBM technical round... please tell script for above query ... please please



i am new QTP... please tell me automation frameworks , types & for whiich type of applications frameworks are used & how to generate script in keyword driven framework



suppose 3 excel sheets are there * we are trying to check for login credentials for a page. userid from excel1 , password is from excel2 whether the page is opened or not that checkpoint is result is should be stored in excel 3.... this qus i have faced in IBM technical round... please tell script for above query


1 6733

Please explain me frameworks & how to generate the scripts in framework



How u will do versioning in QTP?



what r the drawbacks and limitations of QTP?


2 10596

How QTP recognize the object??how to add objcts into object repository??

3 6321

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

if mandatory and Assitive propertys are shows same how will u write skript in QTP window


Which advantages helping QTP to hold the position of "Market Leader" for such a long period?


Explain the concept of how quicktest professional identifies object?


What are the data types in qtp?


action contains public and private functions but do we resuable that action or not..If it is reusable How..plz tell me the ans


What is the use of ordinal identifier in qtp?


Explain sub procedure of vbscript.


What is recovery scenario manager? When you go for recovery scenario manager? Tell me one scenario were your used recovery scenario in your project?


Give me some real time point of way where exactly we can conduct audits?


Are Shared ORs read-only?


How can we use the "CreateObject("Shell.Application")" in QTP and what is the definition and purpose of it?


What are the common defects found in your project? (in qtp interview)


Dis advantages of XML checkpoint ?


Explain the concept of object repository and how QTP recognizes objects?


Hi, i run scripts in one machine those r passed.when i run the scripts in client side those r failed.Give me such a scenario when ever u faced?