what is the basic knowledge required to work in BFSI
domain ?

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what is the basic knowledge required to work in BFSI domain ?..

Answer / shailaja

Well, you can discuss it in www.bfsiforums.com - The free
online communities for the Banking, Financial Services, and
Insurance (BFSI) World. BAs, PMs, Professors and many
others join there to discuss several types of topics.

Is This Answer Correct ?    97 Yes 46 No

what is the basic knowledge required to work in BFSI domain ?..

Answer / bharani krishna

BFSI is an vertical in BPO industry and which deals with
financial applications in the market such as with Banks,
Insurance products and financial services. Finally the BFSI
stands for Banking Financial Services and Insurance.

Is This Answer Correct ?    86 Yes 41 No

what is the basic knowledge required to work in BFSI domain ?..

Answer / swati

Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (also known as
BFSI) is an industry name.
This term is commonly used by IT/ITES/BPO companies to refer
to the services they offer to companies in these domains.
Banking may include core banking, retail, private,
corporate, investment, cards and the like. Financial
Services may include stock-broking, payment gateways, mutual
funds etc. Insurance covers both life and non-life. A lot of
data processing, application testing and software
development activities are outsourced to companies that
specialise in this domain

Is This Answer Correct ?    31 Yes 6 No

what is the basic knowledge required to work in BFSI domain ?..

Answer / balu

hey srini
1.Good Arithmatic Skill
2.types of banking and what is roles and resposibility
1.retail bank
2.Investment banking
3.comercial bank like this
3.you should learn basic technical terms

you can get some idea from this site srinivas

Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 7 No

what is the basic knowledge required to work in BFSI domain ?..

Answer / jegatheesan

The basic knowledge you may require to what is banking and
how it works ? for example services provided by them
whether its an online banking system or not ?
How this banking is related to finance? Overall knowledge
about the individuals about the B,F & I Services.

Is This Answer Correct ?    30 Yes 15 No

what is the basic knowledge required to work in BFSI domain ?..

Answer / nisha

Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (also known as BFSI) is an industry name. This term is commonly used by IT/ITES/BPO companies to refer to the services they offer to companies in these domains. Banking may include core banking, retail, private, corporate, investment, cards and the like. Financial Services may include stock-broking, payment gateways, mutual funds etc. Insurance covers both life and non-life. A lot of data processing, application testing and software development activities are outsourced to companies that specialise in this domain (As mentioned by WIKIPEDIA)

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 11 No

what is the basic knowledge required to work in BFSI domain ?..

Answer / abdus

stands for Banking & Financial Services Industry. No basic
knowledge as such as long as you are working in BPO no
matter what vertical you go for.. you would be doing just
shitty work

Is This Answer Correct ?    39 Yes 43 No

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