Manual Testing Interview Questions
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which module ur following in ur company?

5 7206

what is bug tracebility matrix and it's formet?

2 11159

what is requirement tracebility and it's format

5 7556

wat is the diffrence b/n dyanamic blackbox testing and static black box testing.and which one is better


5 17918

prepare test cases for file copy paste.

Approva, MSEB,

6 25109

What is Testcase? How to define seviority and priority of a bug?Explain me with example?

8 12663

what is "test strategy"?

4 7325

what are the exact testing types you involved when testing the webapplication testing and clent server application testing?have u find differene interms of testig?


3 6617

what is black phase in SDLC

4 8311

Give me examples for high severity and low priority defects?

3 7094

What is gamma testing?

4 11765

Hai all can anyone tell me wat is the diff betn Build and version and is there any file extenction for build and version if so wat is it..And How to deploy the build and version for development or testing.. Cheers,


1 4833

When we will do Retesting? Only after Bug fixation?Is there any other case?


8 14317

how The engineer communicates wiht T.L as well as test manager, In wich situation this type of i mean serious commnication takes place(give me one real time example).and how the interaction will takes place between tester and client can anybody plz clatify me.


2 6645

How to prepare Test data?


9 14973

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

My name is Akpos from Nigeria. I have finished manual testing course. Please, can someone advise me where to go on from here?


Explain the importance of agile testing?


Hi Friends, I have completed 3 rounds of an Interview with HR discussion also and got Offer letter from Cognizant, but after in 30 min they send one more email like Offer is on Hold, and its not valid... Could you please guide me any one , Can i expect Offer again from Cognizant or Can i drop the hopes ?.


Test approach to windows scheduler?


What is Mixed Testing


1.Acceptance testing involves procedures for identifying acceptance criteria for interim life cycle products and for accepting that? 2.Acceptance testing occurs only at the end point of the development process; it should be an ongoing activity that test both interim and final it?


how to connect your project in database?


How should your staff be managed? How about your overtime?


How can I done a Web Testing? Which steps are include in it?


Can you explain the workbench concept?


What is smoke test?


What is the big deal about ‘requirements’?


Hi Everybody could you please send me the ISTQB Material to my mail id Thanking you in advance


Login screen with Username, Password input fields,remember me check box,sign in and reset button write Test Cases for GUI, Funcitonal, Negative, Usability and Security testing.


What are noise variables?