Manual Testing Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

which module ur following in ur company?

5 7355

what is bug tracebility matrix and it's formet?

2 11214

what is requirement tracebility and it's format

5 7736

wat is the diffrence b/n dyanamic blackbox testing and static black box testing.and which one is better


5 18070

prepare test cases for file copy paste.

Approva, MSEB,

6 25409

What is Testcase? How to define seviority and priority of a bug?Explain me with example?

8 12858

what is "test strategy"?

4 7532

what are the exact testing types you involved when testing the webapplication testing and clent server application testing?have u find differene interms of testig?


3 6718

what is black phase in SDLC

4 8401

Give me examples for high severity and low priority defects?

3 7248

What is gamma testing?

4 11860

Hai all can anyone tell me wat is the diff betn Build and version and is there any file extenction for build and version if so wat is it..And How to deploy the build and version for development or testing.. Cheers,


1 4889

When we will do Retesting? Only after Bug fixation?Is there any other case?


8 14508

how The engineer communicates wiht T.L as well as test manager, In wich situation this type of i mean serious commnication takes place(give me one real time example).and how the interaction will takes place between tester and client can anybody plz clatify me.


2 6730

How to prepare Test data?


9 15166

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

What are the two main categories of software testing?


what is prototyping model,RAD model V model, spiral model?????


what is the diff. bw separate database testers and manual testers with sql knowledge guys... iam confusing so much ,,in cmpny database testers are not working on manual..? both positions are same are not? explian clesly with example? thank u


what is entry and exit criteria and explain it?


Explain unit testing, integration tests, system testing and acceptance testing?


In which all places, testing is done?One is from the server by calling server name.Can u suggest others?


can anybody send the project you have tested with the clear descriptions,and recent bugs u found in that


hi friends, i have completed course and project on insurance domain in mindq testing institution...can any working employee please tell me ,which notes( testing subject notes,project notes)i have to prefer first.i was studied both notes and getting of my friend got job throughly only project notes and said that project notes is enough to get which way ,i have to prepare interview( which important topics first ), if you are follow any strategy to interview purpose,pls send me important topics list.


Please send any one latest 3+ years of experience testing tools resumes my mail id is


Write down ten test cases for below scenario: Increase the day by 1 and date format should be mm/dd/yyyy Conditions are : date should not be greater then 31 and date<1 month should not be greater then 12 and month<1 year should not be greater then 10000 and year<1 Thanks in advance


Password is having 6 digit alphanumeric then what are the possible input conditions?


Why performance testing is performed? What are tools of performance testing?


Can you explain the workbench concept?


What is a test log?


hello there, can anyone tell me what type of question does lg soft company ask in written test especially for a quant part? Thanku