Hai all can anyone tell me wat is the diff betn Build and
version and is there any file extenction for build and
version if so wat is it..And How to deploy the build and
version for development or testing..
Answer / annapurna
Build is wat the developers release i.e application or .exe
file, and version is the latest updations .
for ex...
if the test engineer finds any defect in the build
relased by the developers , then the test engineers will
isolate the defects and make a defect profile document and
send it to the developers for rectification, after
rectification the developers will release the next build to
the test engineers, so the first build which is released by
the developers for the first time is named as build #1, and
the next build which is released after rectification is
build #2, and this continues, if still defect is there .
The build no. changes after rectification of
defects (i.e for every new release of build ) , whereas
version no. does not change. If any new features are
incorporated , or new or latest updations are made, then the
version no. changes otherwise it remains the same.
Build is deployed in the environment by sr.test engineers
with the help of the guidelines provided by the development
and versions are updated by the configuration manager, he
will have the record of the latest versions.
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