some major negative test cases to break the sign up page having username password, email, url address field and some check box selection options ?
1 9839we go to shopping. after completion of shopping we have to pay money. we swipe our credit/debit card in swiping machine. assume your card is icici card. and that machine is of with what name the bank of your card is called ? and that machine's bank name?
1 7448Post New Manual Testing Questions
Easiest way to write test cases? How i can learn writing the test cases?
What exactly is quality control? Is it similar to quality assurance?
What is mean by Schedule report who is the responsible for generated that one ?
Plz give me manual testing real test case ?
What is the difference between static testing and dynamic testing?
How should validation activities be handled?
plz tell me the difference b/w PB/MF based appl.with examples. Thanks
Please Provide me the link to download Testing Category questions and answers If some body has downloaded it pleae send it to me Pavan : Email Quetion2 : Can any body Explain me about Testing thumb rules
hi can anyone tell me about vision plus testing? and what about its future
What is a test server?
What is difference between V-Model and Agile Model?
What is meant my Firewall testing? how the testing is performed on it?
1.For a single module how many builds are possible 2.what will be the max or min time to finish up an single module
What are the main key components in web applications and client and server applications? And explain the differences between them?
write test condition for testing SMS service of a mobile phone maximun length is 100 character while sending and 80 character for receiving write test scenarios do not write test cases