Manual Testing Interview Questions
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How do we find Pass and Fail percentage of Test Cases in Real Time. Anybody can explain it in Detail..Thanks is advance....


2 6737

How do we find Effectiveness of Test Cases..Thanks in advance...


4 15701

Hi Friends Can Any one give test cases on Credit card system

1 5176

is programming knowledge is necessary for testing

3 5584

How performance testing can be done manually? can anyone answer this question plz?


4 12411

Could anybody tell me types of testing involved when the project is at maintenance.

IBM, Oracle,

4 8188

How can you test an application after production and deployed in to the clients system by connecting to the (Client's)server which is located somewhere in the US. I mean how can you connect and test when it is at maintenance


5 8355

I am sayyad(frm hyd) new commer for this site? I have some doubt's pls clarify it..... I finished my MCA 2005 pased out),( and S/w Testing Course(2006) till now i didn't get any job in testing, I did not have any experience in real time projects. Any body can send me the sample Testcases,Srs,for Banking,ERP Projects etc. Advance thanks to all

5 6731

When should testing start in a project?


11 23380

Tell exact difference b/w Smoke and Sanity testing with example?


13 25384

How do u make sure the test cases are not repeated?


3 7154

How do u avoid redundant test cases?


1 7199

what are known issues? Explain

2 4453

what is the call-pair testing? there is any length for Test case?

Blesso Soft,

5 7231

i have two questions ,1)wat is sixsigmatesting 2)wat is stand alone project.plz anybody give the answer

1 3764

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

What exactly is quality control? Is it similar to quality assurance?


When do we perform smoke testing?


diff b/w desktop based testing & web application testing


what is TAS language which is used as a language for some projects/


How many bugs occured will be considerd appropriate over 1000 steps when inspecting software? Describle an approriate Bug value.


When will the testing starts?


What are bug leakage and bug release?


Easiest way to write test cases? How i can learn writing the test cases?


What was a problem you had in your previous assignment (testing if possible)? How did you resolve it?


What is Mixed Testing


After insert the record in front-end, how will you check the back end by manually? Please explain?


Describe your experiences with code analyzers.


how to creat 2 test plan in 2 different environment exp:tour and travel


what is Test management fundamental?


What is test management?