What is TEST PLAN, TEST STRATEGY, TEST SCENARIO, TEST CASE, TEST SCRIPT? can any body give me definition with example.
1 23559How much percent of time you spend in testing and writting test cases? does testing comes first or writting test cases?
1 4860How was the regression testing done in your project what was the contribution of the regression test effort for the whole quality improvement?
2 9422Write or explain 3 testcases you executed recently with detailed descriptions ,steps to reproduce & explain what results they gave when you executed on a recent build?
1637Mention 3 test component areas which gave lots of bugs & had lots of difficulties in testing it ?
1 4029Post New Manual Testing Questions
Hi could some one please send me the testplan testcases(for 2Modules) and testscripts for mercry fliht aplication or gmail. please write those on templates and send me.In testplan plase write Testobjective, test scope, est approach, exlusions assumptios.
Hi Everybody could you please send me the ISTQB Material to my mail id karthik18487@gmail.com Thanking you in advance
What is difference in between operating system 2000 and os xp?
test cases for Insurance Processing System ?
How does a coverage tool work?
Explain the difference between severity and priority.
When to stop testing? (Or) how do you decide when you have tested enough?
tell wat u did in ur banking project?
What is mean by multi-threading testing?
Can anybody give me some tips on how to face telephonic interview and Write some expected telephonic questions as a 2+yr exp. in testing. Try to give Ques. that u already hv faced in telephone. Plz Help me out friends.
How do you know the code has met specifications?
how to test ecg machine?
Can any one say me how to do Performance testing step by step plz for a desktop application(offline application).all the data is stored in internal server itself can any plz help me. ts quite urgent friends.
how to indentify memory leakages after the build
What is the difference between Functional testing and Unit Functionality testing?