How to Create an ACL?
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Answer / hema kumar
ACL can be created using the below mentioned steps.
1 Open the Integration Server Administrator.
2 In the Security menu of the Navigation panel, click ACLs.
3 Click Add and Remove ACLs.
4 Specify one ACL name per line. Press ENTER to separate
the lines.
5 Click Create ACLs.
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Answer / praveen
We can able to create ACLS in IS we have one option called
ACLS under security if u click the ACLS option then we wil
get the all list of ACLS there we can specify the users for
the spec group so those users only have the acess.
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Answer / praveen
Sorry to all , previously i gave only half answer for the
We can able to create the users and groups for the
particular ACL wecan create like security-->users and
groups->(on IS).There we can define the users names in the
particular group
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / praveen
We can create ACL in IS security-->ACLS-->there we can get
the list of all ACLS..IOf u want to create new ACL then
click the option createACLS.Users and groups for the
particular ACL we can create the users and groups in users
and groups option.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
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