What phases are involved in testing an application in qtp?
What is difference between design time and run time data table?
What are the types of framework used in software automation testing ?
When you open QTP, how many sheets you can see?
Explain hybrid framework with advantages and disadvantages?
Tell me what type of scenarios can be automated?
What test cases can you automate using QTP?
Hi Friends, Can anyone help me out in this one? In QTP, I am using Data Driver and want to parameterise multiple values (say 3 values ) for a field. How can I do it using Data Driver wizard? Plz mention it step-by-step. In the end after doing the needful, on opening the Data Driver window, how can I get number (i.e. 3) in the Parameterised column for that particualr value? Thanks a lot in advance.
Hi Friends this is kumar i would like to request to all of you ,please help me to explain real time project with using qtp scripts i know basics of qtp but it won't workout on interviews,pls help awating to reply.
What is protocol function?
What are the different recording modes and how do they work?
What is quicktest professional?
What are the different types of locators in Selenium?
hi nani my doubt is how does qtp process metrix related to software process.
Explain the flow of test script recorder.