When we try to use test run option "Run from Step", the browser is not launching automatically why?
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What can I monitor with loadrunner?
What is meant by Output Value in UFT?
What are the different methods to refresh a web page in webdriver?
What is exact meaning of Database Checkpoint in QTP 9.2 and what are the different types of the database check points?
What is the difference between call to existing action and copy of an action?
Explain what does @test(invocationcount=?) And @test(threadpoolsize=?) Indicate.
Can you use Selenium to test the Rest API or Web services?
Can we use selenium rc for tests driving on two different browsers on one operating system without selenium grid?
How can you find if an element displayed on the screen?
What are the advantage and features of selenium ide?
How to use the object spy in quicktest professional (qtp) 8.0 version?
Where do you view the results in Trap option?
How do we handle run-time errors?
How do Parameterization and Data-Driving relate to each other in QTP?