H1B Visa Interview Questions
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how is the present position in hyderabad consulate can anyone tell me about percentage of accepting h1b visas?



Hi, my file has been selected in 2008 quota. I've my file no. My consultant is not allowing me for stamping or interview till the market goes well in US. I dont have any other document except file no. can i go for stamping jst on file no. without knowing my consultant? I want to go US what should i do?


2 4575

i have applied for h1-b 2009-10.i have IT(information technology) field.so i just want know about they gonna ask me any question regarding to my field or they can check my practical knowledge on this field



I am working as SWE .I got H1B approved (valid from Oct- 2009 to Sep-2012).This time I have planes to attend consulate in Oct’09. Last year May 08 I had been to US on Business Visa (Visa valid for 10 Years). Want to know the questions I may face at US Consulate interview & chances of getting Visa? Please Help.Thanks


I am working as a teacher .I got H1B approved .I Want to know the questions I may face at US Consulate interview & chances of getting Visa? Since I am living in Middleeast, can I change my interview to middleeast from chennai.Can I change my Please Help.Thanks


HELLO!!Can anybody suggest me ,is this the rite time to go for H1-B visa,i had a talk with my consultant and he suggested me that u should apply for H1B?And if suggestede to apply can u please tell me what will be the type of questions asked to me as i am S.Eng with 3+ yrs of exp in java.Also what will be the possible documents require ay the US Counsalate office.It would be good if somebody can send me the details on sgurpreeth@gmail.com.Looking for ur response guys!!!!!!!!Thanks and Tc


hai . i got i20 and my visa interview was yet complete. i took IELTS instead of taking TOEFL as a english proficiency language... what should i have to answer if he asks why did you prefer IELTS than TOEFL plZz suggest me


HI iam sudhakar i got selected h1b approval for the year 2009 .in the h1b document they have mentioned the interview location as chennai by that time hyderabd office was not opened. can any one help me where i can attend the interview hyderabad or chennai and is it the rigtht time to attend the interview..

2 4935

Hi I am Ganapathy, My H1B got approved through my company. I am also planning to apply H4 for my wife & my kids. My problem is that i do not have the marriage certificate, but I got an affidavit done with notary on my marriage. My wife passport also carries my name Will this be sufficient for the interview please suggest


Has HTC Global Services been caught for Violation of immigration laws by US department of labor?


Has HTC Global Services been caught for Violation of immigration laws by US department of labor? Correct ans: HTC Global Services caught by US Department of Labor URL: http://www.htcinc.com Companies which violate immigration laws need to be exposed. HTC Global Services is a company based in Troy, Michigan with offices around the world. In India, it has offices in Tambaram, a suburb of Chennai. This company has been found to violate US immigration laws. The following instances along with supporting evidence cautions employers and employees. 1. HTC Global Services has been found to violate the US Immigration laws on "6/8/2000" specifically "Failure to comply with subpart H or I (failed to obtain PW documentation)". Refer case no : 213 in the excel document. http://www.ilw.com/seminars/january2004_citation2j.xls 2. HTC Global Services has recently found to violate Immigration and Nationality Act (20.C.F.R Section 655.731) which includes withholding wages/salary from employee. http://www.slideshare.net/ImmigrationWatchers/us-dol- conviction-of-htc-global-services http://www.slideshare.net/ImmigrationWatchers/htc-global- services-us-department-of-labor-determination-letter Check the images for proof of violation: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_W65XRQqn900/Sqes_VJsPXI/AAAAAAAAAA U/df-Kf5bKm_E/s1600-h/Page1.JPG http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_W65XRQqn900/SqewO0X1ciI/AAAAAAAAAB c/pqeQDETEQqY/s1600-h/Page2.JPG http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_W65XRQqn900/Sqev3h6e5vI/AAAAAAAAAB M/HpYZh4AFlbE/s400/Violations_by_HTC.bmp http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_W65XRQqn900/Sqew2j8yUnI/AAAAAAAAAB k/_POL9LjYDw8/s1600-h/H1B_Violation.JPG Search Tags: HTC Global Services Madhava Reddy H1B Sponsorship Green Card USA Immigration

US Consulate,


how to prepare for the H1 visa interview?


Has Madhava Reddy, President of HTC Global Services, been caught by US Department of Labor for failure to pay salary?


6 26055

Hi All, I have an H1-B visa interview on 8th OCt 2009. I have completed 4 years in my present company but i mispalced my Company Offer letter . Could anyone please tell me is this letter is a mandatory on going for visa stamping?

4 7063

I have applied for H1B visa along with my family, We have attended H1 visa interview on 29-Sep-09. My Wife and Son has received passport along with H4 visa stamped. Yet I have not received my passport. I have checked passport status at www.vfs-usa.co.in site, still it showing “Your passport has not been handed over to VFS. Kindly contact our regional call centres for further queries”. Do anyone has an idea, that how much time it takes to process and stamp H1 Visa?


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Un-Answered Questions { H1B Visa }

How many employees in US Company?


Any one interviewed for H1 B visa at mumbai and issued blue form?? I was issued blue form on 16th dec, 2010. My passport is with me. Any one with the same case??? any updates ??


My H1B visa rejected in 2007, reajection section 217(A), misrepresentation of ducumnets,, my question is can i appply again visit or H1B, plz i need to know about this,,,


hi all, My employer tcs has told me that they are filing for my h1 b visa but i am currently working in a domestic project. Will they file my visa or is it just another ploy to control attrition?


Application Type: I129, PETITION FOR A NONIMMIGRANT WORKER Current Status: Case received and pending. When I checked in the online visa status website I saw that they updated the cases till 30th march, How mauch time will take for my case, How do I know when my case processed


I am from india i worked 2 years in hyderabad and now iam in saudi arabia iam working as a network admin i came her before 4 months now i want to apply H1b from here can any one guide me how to apply?And where shall i attend interview?And the complete details ?


What is the current project you are going to work?


I am working as SWE .I got H1B approved (valid from Oct- 2009 to Sep-2012).This time I have planes to attend consulate in Oct’09. Last year May 08 I had been to US on Business Visa (Visa valid for 10 Years). Want to know the questions I may face at US Consulate interview & chances of getting Visa? Please Help.Thanks


ur husband is in different country then why u want to go to america


Dear Friends, Please suggest me... I got approval for my H1B on 4th June 2008.when will be the best time to schedule Visa Interview for H1B-2009. What are your sugestions regarding this? Plz reply me .....waiting for your reply.....


im going for the first time H1b visa stamping at chennai consulate on 30thseptember.i was employed in a major IT company till 8thseptember2008.since i had to give 2months prior notice to the HR dept of the company,and my US company need me there by october 1st,i resigned my present job(india company).will the unemployment part cause any issue at the time of interview.Is it mandatory that i must be employed at the time of interview?please reply.


I have done MCA in 2004,has been into IT and ITES for past 3 years.I worked as Team Lead for .net,j2ee programmers.I didnt went in that way,since i was not into programming .net or j2ee.Hence I have done ABAP recently.Iam now looking for ABAP openings.During a process, I came to know about H1B jobs.Some consultancies in hyd,chennai does process h1b.They take fee of more than 1L and they bring the documents that we have been selected to their onsite company in usa.We go to consulate and get stamped.Once we reach usa,they market our resume again to get the right job.Once we get the job,we pay them % monthly.The 1L which we pay initial is refunded.What do you think about this process?Can anyone suggest whether I can go for that or not?Please provide your valuable inputs. Answers mailing at kumarangopi@yahoo.com are appreciated. Thank you.


Hi,Guys i have a question that i m gonna appear for the H1 visa soon in sept-2008. and my passport name contain ben with my name while my educational documents contain bahen. will it make any effect on my interview? thanks in adv for answers.


How many rounds of interviews has the USA company conducted? what are they?


hai . i got i20 and my visa interview was yet complete. i took IELTS instead of taking TOEFL as a english proficiency language... what should i have to answer if he asks why did you prefer IELTS than TOEFL plZz suggest me