US Visa Interview Questions
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I am going for H1B visa interview, I am not having Photos of New company and US company tax returns document, it is neccesary for stamping process? how to handle the consulate people without that document ?

3 9169

1.why you are going to usa ?

US Consulate,

6 28444

What are the probable questions asked during the interview ? what are the documents to be carried and also when will the stamping be done ?

UK Embassy,

1 9102

hello sir sir i want to let you know that my application had been not checked at the mumbai embassy they straight away told me that i belong to southern region and i must go to chennai. now, i am planning for chennai embassy will there be any question about why u went to mumbai first as i want to describe in briefly that uptill my intermediate i completed my studies in mumbai and then i came to hyderabad and completed my undergraduation so even my parents stay in mumbai even i have a home over dad is a government employee there so what should i have to say at the interview if they asks me why i first went to mumbai embassy.


sir,As i had changed my university what should i have to say at the embassy if they asks me regarding why u changed the university

1 3636

i have low scores of gre and toefl will they accept it to give visa.even i wrote toefl twice the later one got some score can i show that one as i am a freshers 2007 passout theyy can ask me what u did since last 6 months wht should i have to say regarding that i applied for only two one got rejected one i got i20 will they ask me how many do u got it

1 7363

sir, as i got i20 from unh the fees for 12 months is 31,300 $ including living expenses,food and expenditure so what ia the best possible way to show the liquid assets.i mean that how much liquid money for 31,300$ we have to show as this is for 1 year combining two years 31,300$+31,300$ how much we have to show it.plz reply me soon

5 10890

sir, as i am planning for my summer intake according to my i20 i have to report on 4th april2008 i am planning to book slot on first week of march is it good or early we have to keep the slot.plz reply soon

1 8064

hi all i had backlogs in my engineering i completed my 4rth year in 2006 but had to wait till 2007 Dec to clear 3 backlogs now i m planning to give my visa interview in march as i got admit from national university California in my memo as i m a grad from jntu Hyderabad it says i finished my eng in dec 2007 so when the visa officer sees my eng certificates she will ask me what were u doing all these days if she realizes that i should have completed my eng in 2006 then what should i answer and also i worked only for 6 months meanwhile

Genpact, Polaris, Satyam, Visa, Wipro,

5 12026




I was working inthe US on OPT and came to India to have my H1B stamped . I had been for my H1B visa interview last week feb 4th and was asked the following question. 1. What is your latest degree? 2. How many employees are working in your company? Me: around 30 3. Are all of them from India? Me: most of them she issued me 221(g) and asked me for the following documents: 1. Petitioner's Federal income tax return past 3yrs 2. Petitioner's State unemployment wage reports for past 3 years 3.List of petitioner's employees at your job site including names, titles , salaries and immigration status. I was wondering what are they trying to determine by determing how many employees are from India and are there chances of refusal if they find out 10 out of 30 are on H1



how much time it takes to process USA Dependent Visa H4 Visa??

Cyient, TCS,


Hi All , I would like to share my(Me) and my wife(W) H1B Interview. Interview Date: 28th Aug 2007 Place: Mumbai It went like this.

AirIndia, US Consulate,

3 13333

hi.I'm going to take my visa interview in august.I did not complected my engineering in time..It took me 4years+6months,with more backlogs.I have a total of 105backlogs with 65% in B.E. GRE with 1020.TOEFL with 80.I had my 10th & inter as 67% and 68%.Can anyone plz tell me the convinencing answer for BACKLOGS TO VISA officer

Sysnet, US Consulate,

13 18751

I went for an interview in Mumbai Consulate. I got everything from my client offer letter, Tax returns client's offer letter etc. But still he refused and told that he requires unemployment wage report from Petitioner. Can anyone suggest that after i got the papers they will reject me ?



Un-Answered Questions { US Visa }

How many rounds of interviews the USA company conducted? What are they?


What will you do after your visa is completed/expired?


How long does it takes to get the approval notice from the USCIS cousulate for H1-B filled application. If i am not wrong its 12 weeks. can anyone confirm on this?. Thanks


whats your job on ship for ab?


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhi friends ,i m rejected twice .reason for 2nd time i hae taken emergency date 2nd time. so is there any rule we have to not take emergengy once we had taken . and now i have to stand but vo told if u stand bfore 6 mont i will permanently reject u .


Last time On 21st July i was rejected bcz of this Q : Why do u Want to go For again bech.....In Real I have completed Bca and I applied For Computer science as a Transfer Student bcz i applied b4 my ty completion and i done WES report of bca fy n i got merit credit n 3000$ scholarship from SEMO university which is listed in my I20..My consultant suggest me for CS course..bcz i have not given Gmat or gre...I got 5.5 BANDS in wat i have to tell to officer if again Q will arise...How can i convince them?


hello All I have 3 yrs old kid he is not able to talk perfectly so what supporting document i have to carry or any tips for F2 visa


Hello This is rahul.I got accepted in saint clod state university for Masters in engineering management program and i got funding too.My total i20 amount would be 6000 dollars yearly as i got scholarships. I actually had applied for 5 other universities but for electrical engineering program.Will they create a big problem for my visa?? I have a brother already there in USA who is about to complete his studies.Will showing my br0ther would result in rejection of my visa?Seeking help from you guys and a solution to takle this problem


I have applied for 5 times B1/B2 visa & got rejected Now i have a job offer to work on cruise but counseller have rejected my C1D visa too .do i have any chance to get my C1D visa approved I want to work on cruise


Hey i had 9 backlogs and im gng to us embassy wat is the best reason to give for having 9 backlogs...............plz post best reasons so that i can get visa


do you have any project details from new company?


I selected in H1B going 4 stamping in nov 2009, I have one question I'm maried in 2006 and we seperated in 2009 i dont have mariage certificate. it it mandatiory while going to stamping


why do you planned for ms? hi frnds i want a good answer for this question my major is cs i have interview on 23rd june plzzzz reply me


My B1 visa got rejected and I tried second time for the same. Please help to success the second time visa interview as I am not very fluent in english.


i am chander nd i completed my b-tech with 54%. I am having too many backlogs i.e 21 nd my gre score is 1230,toefel yet to be there any chance for me getting visa,plzz........ reply to my question