Sun Certifications Interview Questions
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can any one help me... i m trying for scjp1.6 exam if u have dumb for scjp1.6 please give me or from where we can get that materials. if u have any idea about this..please mail me at


3 6215

Hi, Currently im working in BPO[Tech Support]. I like to do any certification for get into real time job so which certification course is best for the current situation. Can anyone assist me reg this?

2 3891

Hi,Could you plz suggest abt any computer(H/w or S/w) courses. Bcoz next sem i have to do project work by my own. Hence the course shld be useful enough! Also im in a dilemma dont know in which stream to do project.. Im familiar with prog.lang but now=t an expert. So plz guide me in my proj..... Thanks in Adv.


1 3325

1)What is meant Host ID of a system? 2)How to Change the Host ID of a System? 3)for what purpose we change the Host ID of a system?

1 4494

Hi Friends.. I am Rajesh. I need recent dump for sun java (SCJP) certification.If you have or knew the site tell me.. Please...

1 3186

i completed my mca in july,so i want to do sun certification plz suggest me which course is useful for me SCJP or SCJA or anyother course and how much fee for each certificate......plzz help

3 5796

what are the good books,sites to prprare for scjp?

2 4375

Hi, This is pankhudi and dildull from Mars... We the students of java.. We are planning to take exam on SCJP. So please please please send ur dumps of SCJP 1.6...


Any one who wants SCJP certifivation voucher can have from me. my voucher validity is july 31st 2010 and i bought it at a cost of 4300, now the present cost of voucher is more than the amount what i mentioned here if any one is interested, they can contact me for further details.

IBM, Prometric,

15 16714

For a Sun Certification Voucher in SCJP contact me at or +91-9908636478 for further details.


1 3946

Do any of you have SCJP 6.0 certification voucher valid till Aug 2010?


Why Volatile? How Compiler come to know about external event changeed d variable or through program instruction it is changed? for volatile variable?


1 3533

plese forward scjp 1.6 dumps to my mail pleaseeeeeee


sir now i am pursuing BCA from DEC or UGC approved university pls tell me that i can apply its certificat in govt. jobs.


can u list out the pure object oriented language?


5 12837

Post New Sun Certifications Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Sun Certifications }

Which attribute definitions is used to dynamically assign ‘PROTECTED’ and ‘MDT ON’ attributes for CustName?


What is the procedure to install the crital patch/package on the SVM ( root mirroring ).


sir now i am pursuing BCA from DEC or UGC approved university pls tell me that i can apply its certificat in govt. jobs.


What is the diffrent between Blade server and normal Sun fire Server


i want to write scjp 1.6 exam in august/september. iam from bangalore. any one who sells scjp 1.6 vocher can contact me in my mail id the vocher cost should be around 4500-5000.


Do any of you have SCJP 6.0 certification voucher valid till Aug 2010?


HI Any one want brain dump Please mail me.I have genuine dumps by just reading that you can pass exam.Just mail exam code I will provide dump. Mail


Sun Certificatio details.


32. Policy Enforcement Federation is configured in which of the following components? a. Identity Manager b. Service Gateway c. Access Manager d. Directory Server


plese forward scjp 1.6 dumps to my mail pleaseeeeeee