Project Planning Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How are the team members kept informed about the current status of the project?


How do the audits cover planning activities?


3 6948

How does the senior management review your project's progress?


1 6020

How do you track the technical activities in your project? How is the status of the project communicated to the team?

3 8153

How do you track the size or changes to size of the work products in your project?

1 4468

When do revise your project plan? When do you know you have to revise your project plan? Where is the plan revision frequency documented?

Microsoft, Satyam,

3 9402

How do you ensure that you and all the other team members in your project have the required technical skills to execute the project?

1 5495

How do you assign tasks to your team members?

4 14319

What is the document that should be consulted to know about your project, the activities you do, your schedules and milestones?

7 12252

WHat is software life cycle ? How much time is spent usually in each phases and why ?

2 15318

What are the different phases in Software life cycle

6 13659

Why analysis and testing phases are very important ?

AGR, Infosys,

2 10212

How would you deal with changes being made a week or so before the ship date?


1 8611

How would you deal with a bug that no one wants to fix? Both the SDE and his lead have said they won?t fix it?



Write a function that counts the number of primes in the range [1-N]. Write the test cases for this function.


2 18000

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Un-Answered Questions { Project Planning }

Why do you want to work for Microsoft?


What and where are the policy statements for software project planning?


I want question and paper based MS Projects. Also is there any exam which microsoft conduct for Ms Project professional to issue certification?


how to tell project details in interview the project is funds flow analysis?


Write a function that inserts an integer into a linked list in ascending order. Write the test cases for this function.


create a flow diagram up to 2 levels for hospital management


Tell about yourself and job ?


Did you used crystal reports? Do you have sufficient knowledge on crystal reports?


Test the save dialog in Notepad?


What is the role of CLR in ASP.NET?


How do you rate yourself in c#,,,oracle,sql server ?


Explain dll hell?


Explain the various activities you do (as a PL) when the project is started up.


What training have you undergone in project planning?


How would you deal with a bug that no one wants to fix? Both the SDE and his lead have said they won?t fix it?