Visual Basic Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How many max. number of controls can place in one form (especially visual basic form)?


6 9622

How many MDI(multiple document interface) forms can include in one project(especially in visual basic)?

Satyam, VSS,

6 16668

What is the maximum no. of forms can include in one project (vb project)?


3 7898

what is the difference between procedures,attributes and functions?

Microsoft, Patni,

1 6195

What is the difference between Exec and ExecSQL? (wouldnt this be dependent on data access? Ie ADO use different method than DAO)

1 4363

What is the difference between a property a method and an event? Give an example of each.


18 66562

What is a variant data type and when would you use it?

3 4360

Why is it not good to use a variant data type?

2 4578

What is the difference between a Dynaset and Snapshot and how would you create one?

2 20726

How would you define and use a Boolean in VB?

Asteroid Software Services, Microsoft,

2 5064

What is the difference between Dim nCount as Integer vs Dim nCount% and when would you use each?

6 7485

What is the difference between and when debugging?

2 7185

What is the statement to extract 4 characters from the middle of a string?

1 3876

What is the error message that you would get if you try to assign "Null" to an integer variable?

Symphony, Yahoo,

4 6189

What is the difference between Single and Double in VB?

4 9675

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Un-Answered Questions { Visual Basic }

_____ collection in recordset used to assign a value from textbox to table columns without making abinding in datacontrol.


How many ways you can access file using VB?


___,_____ and ____ container objects.


Is a foo VBX/DLL available as shareware/freeware?


It possible to call OLEDB's Features directly in VB without using any control?


which method used to move a recordset pointer in nth position in DAG?


What is the use of property page Wizard in ActiveX Control?


which property is used to change to some value to access a identity column in datacontrols?


How many objects resides in ADO ?


How to find the current record position in data control?


How the image application?


Which method is preferred to save data like database to the disk?


How can you Navigate from the DHTML application to another DHTML application? .


How much gain in performance will I get if I write my number crunching routines in C instead of Visual Basic?


State about the different types of visual basic data?