Visual Basic Interview Questions
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How do you clear the current selected item from a drop down combo box?

2 3993

What is the difference between early binding and late binding?


2 17546

Difference between ByRef and ByVal?

1 4457

How does VB Pass arguments to a function by default?

2 4383

Can a subroutine pass back values? Is so How?

2 4043

What does Addressof operator do?

1 3201

What is the difference between a Sub and a Function?

3 8093

How will you retain the values of existing elements in a dynamic array when you want to alter the array size?

1 3467

How will you define a function to accept variable number of arguments ?

1 3192

How will you define a function to accept optional arguments?

1 3460

How does the following statements work? On Error Goto Err_Handler

2 4333

How does the following statements work? On Error Resume Next

1 3808

How does the following statements work? On Error Goto 0

4 6267

What will happen if you issue a Resume statement after handling an error?

3 4049

What are the Sequence of events when a form is loaded in Visual Basic?

6 18716

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Un-Answered Questions { Visual Basic }

What is recordset in visual basic?


What is the use of ActiveX Documents?


What are the Differenct Types of Instancing Property in ActiveX Dll and Exe?


How would you create your application in DHTML?


How do you zoom in visual basic?


How would you convert a form into document?


How can you filter out specific type of file using file system controls?


Difference between ActiveX Control and Standard Control.


___,_____ and ____ container objects.


Types of LockEdits in RDO.


Explain about arrays?


What are the important components of OLEDB?


What is instantiating?


Is the Access Engine and Visual Basic Pro good enough for database work?


What are the rules which should be followed while naming a variable in VB?