Explain me what are the rules followed by mutexes?
Explain scope of static variables?
How does the addition of service orientation change systems? When is it appropriate to use?
What's the difference between locking and lockless (optimistic and pessimistic) concurrency models?
How do the mvp, mvc, and mvvm patterns relate?
Tell me why is it better to use multi-threading polling then single threading model?
Tell me what are the uses of the keyword volatile?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of embedded system?
What is the main function of multiplexed address/data bus?
Why is the single responsibility principle important?
How does the interrupt architecture works?
Explain the properties of a object oriented programming language.
Can we use any function inside isr?
Explain what is size of character, integer, integer pointer, character pointer?
What could be the reasons for a system to have gone blank and how would you debug it?