PeopleSoft Administration Interview Questions
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Where are workflow work items found?


3 5927

In which platform does Crystal and Psnvision works?

7 8310

How many Message nodes are possible for a database?

2 7338

What BEA product is used for DB transaction in PS?

1 4212

What event gets fired after DB Update?

1 3945

PeopleSoft tracks object changes using a system table. Which PeopleTools System table is used to track object changes?

2 8408

Which process is used for running AE programs which are to be run at a frequency of less than a day ?

2 6059

What views available in Application Designer project workspace?

2 4912

What Record Changes does not affect Database?

2 5501

How do you set up table-sharing in PeopleTools applications?

2 4741

What is the default Crystal Report that PeopleSoft Query tool creates?

1 7010

What are the Search Keys you use to find Patches and Fixes?

2 5871

The Security Administrator is not available. You are in a hurry to grant a user the ability to start an application server, and you decide to make the change in the actual application server configuration file, rather than using the Security Administrator. Referring to the above information, how would you grant a user the ability to start an application server using the application server configuration file, PSAPPSRV.CFG?

1 5245

Which command is valid in both bootstrap and regular mode when operating the data mover?

2 6537

What commands are valid in BS mode?


2 6837

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Un-Answered Questions { PeopleSoft Administration }

Explain recycling the server processes.


What are peopletools utilities?


Is it ok to install two different peoplesoft versions on same machine? If yes, how would you do it?


What are peopletools utilities and what it contains?


What are the common elements in peoplesoft configuration manager?


Explain the different menu types available.


How can you configure peoplecode trace?


What are the analytic servers?


Which crystal report does peoplesoft query tool create by default?


Explain what are the views available in app. Designer project workspace?


Explain load balancing?


What statuses are available in peoplesoft domain status menu?


How can you launch configuration manager?


DB is in windows, application server can be configured in Windows or Unix or Anyone?


What is peoplesoft server process logs?