I have created a Menu and a Page and given user access to that page, which of the tables gets affected on this?
1 3686You want to update your password and enter a hint for forgotten password. What would you access?
2 4081Your Onsite DBA has called you up and told you that one of the tables PS_ABC_TAO has grown very big in size. Based on the standard naming convention, you have determined that the record is a temporary record since it ends with _TAOYou look into the database and decide that that the data is not required any more. You ask the DBA to delete the data in the table.Next day you get a call from an irritated user who says that a daily process that took only 1 minute to run is taking about 2 hours today. You look into his process and find that it uses PS_ABC_TAO as a temporary table.What would you suggest the DBA to do ?
2 4723When a business requirement in Fit or Gap Analysis does not meet by PeopleSoft then what to do?
1 3409For downloading patches and fixes , you have gone to the customer connection and looking under 8 april, 2000 and see Report IDS like R-CCHEN-VP14JM. What does R stand for ?
4 5953In the following url http://localhost/Peoplesoft/EMPLOYEE/PSFT_HR/c/PROCESS_SCHED ULER.PRCSTYPEDEFN.GBL which one is the component definition?
1 5183you have created a Menu and a Page and given user access to that page, which of the tables gets affected on this?
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We can specifically trace the activity of the psappsrv server process by setting which one?
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You just started a new application server. What problems you may encounter?