Suppose you want to update your password and enter a hint for forgotten password. What would you access?
636Suppose you have created a menu and a page and given user access to that page, which of the tables gets affected on this?
564Post New PeopleSoft Administration Questions
How to check processing consuming by peoplesoft
If you want to use a new image in hrms, where would it be stored?
Explain recycling the server processes.
You want to upgrade a peoplesoft tool. How would you do it?
Explain how to login into bs mode?
What elements are there in psadmin?
Name the people tools available for integration broker?
How would you connect as a tier in application designer?
What is a connectivity software?
You want to authenticate a user in peoplesoft. How would you do that?
Differentiate between dddaudit and sysaudit?
What peopletools contains?
Why do we use weblogic server in peoplesoft?
How do you uninstall the weblogic server?
Explain the different menu types available.